Irish American Home Society
About Irish American Home Society
In October of 1944, several men met at a home in West Hartford to formulate a plan for an Irish-American Society. Prior to this time there had been several Irish groups in the Hartford area some of which had been dissolved due to a lack of a central meeting place. It was felt that a unified single group would best serve the needs of the Irish community. The general mission of the Irish American Home was and continues to be a society that welcomes and brings together Irish and Irish American families and practices and preserves Irish traditions, cultures, music and friendship.
The Irish American Home Society is proud of it’s indoor and outdoor facilities in Glastonbury and trusts that it will be a gathering place for members and their families – young and old, to spend many enjoyable hours.
It is our desire to serve all of our members – old and new. We believe that the Irish-American Home Society will continue to serve as the focal point for newcomers to our shores to understand and appreciate our American way of life. We further believe that this society will afford all of our membership the opportunity to continue their appreciation and preservation of the Irish culture.
Primary Office Location
132 Commerce Street Glastonbury CT 06033
(860) 633-9691