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Message to Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division

Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division - Irish  in Milwaukee WI

Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division

About Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division

The Ancient Order of Hibernians is America's oldest Irish Catholic Fraternal organization. The Order fosters and preserves Irish culture, including art, dance, music and sports. As a Fraternal order, we share a special camaraderie, centered around a common cause.

The AOH is the premiere organization in Milwaukee for Catholic men of Irish heritage to contribute to the local community while having a great time doing it!


Primary Office Location

pin 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee WI 53233

pin (262) 349-1495‬

Social Media

Twitter page for Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division - Irish  in Milwaukee Facebook page for Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division - Irish  in Milwaukee Instagram page for Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division - Irish  in Milwaukee
Message Ancient Order Of Hibernians Milwaukee Division
(262) 349-1495‬